30 Teaching Sessions
The Entry Level Discovery Box introduces your child to the fundamentals of science and science literacy. Your child will learn to flex their brain for the ability and foundation to learn science. A child as young as 5 years old can easily begin the Entry Level curriculum.
This Discovery Box comes with all the books, lesson plans, activity sets, and materials needed to successfully fit science education into your family’s unique schedule.
This entry-level curriculum is a story-based program. It serves as the starting point for your child’s journey of scientific inquiry regardless of the child’s age. As this program is the foundation upon which the entire SymmetryScience curriculum is learned, every student begins with Entry Level. A child as young as 5 can easily begin this Entry Level program; it’s also a starting point to achieve science literacy for older elementary-age children, who may proceed through the curriculum more quickly.
This program focuses on developing a knowledge of how attributes (properties) of an object or system can be used to sort and classify objects and recognize patterns. This language of systems analysis is used to explore, describe, measure, analyze, and build models of everything. Mastering this type of pattern analysis is a key tool in learning critical thinking skills and in science literacy.
The student explores everyday patterns in the context of color, texture, rhythm, sounds, rocks, animals, plants, letters, numbers, and their personal world. The Teacher Manual for each activity provides an overview, specific learning outcomes, lesson planning for the instructor, and tools for an authentic assessment of the child’s performance. The accompanying Discovery Center Box contains everything needed to execute each lesson, maximizing time for the parent/instructor and, thereby, the learning success for the child.
Books that will be included in your Discovery Center:
A Teacher Prepares: From Brain to Science Literacy
This book provides the background for the SymmetryScienceTM teacher to become comfortable with the Language of Patterns, the Assessment Framework Design Method, the Neurobiology of Education, and the Language of Patterns that underlie the teaching method.
Entry Level Teacher Manual: Exploring My World
The Teacher Manual is organized so that each unit contains overall learning objectives that are consistent with National and State Science Standards and Frameworks.
The 80-page manual contains detailed preparation notes and lesson plans for each lesson in the curriculum. Each Unit covers a series of related topics. The Topic outlines include an overview of the teaching content and background scientific content to enhance your own knowledge. This information is not intended for teaching to students at this level. Still, it is intended to provide you, the teacher, comfort in answering questions the students might pose as they engage in the explorations.
Marty’s Miraculous Monday: The Student Reader
A short, beautifully illustrated book that introduces Mary and Marty to the student. It describes Marty’s one-week journey of discovery. Guided by his new friend Mary, Marty uncovers a new way of seeing the world. He discovers a new awareness of systems and patterns that can be used over a lifetime and applied to any domain of knowledge…Just as Mary befriends and guides Marty on the first Monday in Marty’s Miraculous Monday, so will Mary and Marty guide your children to becoming systems-savvy scientific thinkers.
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